Calligra Sheets can be used to solve algebraic expressions such as x + x^2 = 4 or For what value of x does x + x squared equal 4 ?
For this example you could enter =A2+A2*A2
into A1 then either try different values in A2 until the result in A1 is as
close as you wish to 4 or, preferably, use Calligra Sheets's
feature which automatically adjusts the
value in one cell to try to make the value in another cell as close as
possible to a target value.
It is invoked by selecting from
the menu. This brings up a dialog box in which you
should enter the reference of the target value cell (A1
in this case) into the Set cell: box, the target value
itself (4
) into the To value: box
and the reference of the cell that is to be changed
) into the By changing cell:
box. Note that you need to have entered some initial value into the cell that
is to be changed before starting .
Pressing the button will start the calculation. When it finishes and if it has found a solution press the button to accept the result or to keep the original value.